
17 Jun 2020

I got a macbook! This is my first post from the Mac! And i was able to clone all my stuff from the windows computer to the mac! Pretty cool!

I’ve mostly been working through the euler project problems recently. I solved finding the largest prime factor of like 600 billion! It’s surprisingly gratifying when I finally solve a problem. I’m not working the largest palindrome product of two 3-digit numbers. I thought i almost had it and had just one step left, but that proved to be more complicated. I was happy that I was able to convert a large integer into a sequence–granted, I’m sure there is a straightforward way to do it, but I enjoyed thinking through how to manipulate each digit of the integer.

I’ve also had the opportunity to work with my dad a bunch this week. He showed me his website and how to make updates to it, and he’s shown me a little more about intelliJ and started me on Java today.

I’m still having fun and really enjoying all of this. Still don’t have any closure on the work situation, but I’m trying be flexible and help out however I can.

Leo has started army crawling. By that I mean, he does what I call a desparate wounded warrior crawl where he doesn’t quite crawl yet, but he has a very determined & desperate army crawl that only utilizes his arms while allowing his legs to limply trail behind him. And I mean that literally; he honestly looks like a person who just lost his legs and is crying and desperately trying to crawl to safety (me). I of course feel bad for him and pick him up quickly.

Rex on the other hand is talking up a storm these days. Yesterday, he said he got bit by a bug. His finger was swollen, but I’m not sure what ‘bit’ (or stung) him. At the moment, he’s very into finding coins, so every day when i pick him up, he yells to me “I found friends again! Find more coins!” I’ve now started planting dimes & quarters in the parking lot for him to hunt for so that he can put them in his dinosaur.

Speaking of, I should probably go get them now…