dog-bowl bath

15 Aug 2020

Back at it for the weekend! At least today anyway. I learned a few minutes ago that the boys will be allowed back at school beginning on Monday!

I’m surprised that I’m finding this bittersweet. As much as i complained about it, i think i actually really enjoyed spending so much time with Rex & Leo. They are very fun and sweet and developing on the daily right now.

This past week, in the short bursts of time I was able to apply focus to coding, i polished up my prime-kata skills with a personal record time today of 04:40.32. The last two times, i even found tests I’d previously skipped. This was interesting since i was going through the motions, which have essentially become muscle memory at this point, and so to see a fail when i expected a pass surprised me. This meant that I’d either messed up the syntax somewhere or that I was actually getting better at solving one problem at a time thus it flagging me when I went a step too far. It was interesting.

I spent today trying to solve the kata with reduce as advised to do by my dad. I struggled with this though. I did solve euler 11, however, and used mapcat! That’s a fun function.

All in all, not a bad day.

Have i mentioned that, to Rex, everything is ramp? A triangle somewhere? “Mommy, look! It’s a ramp!”. A fork lying on a slant off of his plate? “Mommy! It’s a ramp!”. Even Leo. “Mommy, Leo is a ramp?”.

I also started doing “what-if” with Rex to exercise his imagination. “What if we could build a tower so tall that it could reach the sky?” “No, you can’t. You need an airplane in the sky.” “You’re probably right.”

Rex also had a nightmare this week. I woke up to him crying outside my door. When i asked him about it in the morning, he said a blue bike was trying to crush him and that there were yucky bugs on his bed. That sounds like a terrible dream!

Oh, and of course my favorite moment of the week was after I gave him his new indoor slide (it’s so hot out right now that we can’t play outside for more than about 30 seconds), he repeatedly going down it and asking Leo to go down it, while I sat on his bed making sure Leo didn’t fall off or over the bed. While Leo was standing on the backside of the bed, Rex ran up to him, gave him a hug and said “I love you” to him.

Leo can now fully wave bye-bye! He kinda just shakes his whole arm, but i think he gets the intention and is so excited when he does it. He also understands english & sharing. Yesterday, i asked him to give a block he was chewing on to Rex, who was throwing a tantrum about how “Leo can’t want to have that block!”, and I was surprised when he threw it at/to Rex!

He also loves baths, and throughout the day i would find him in the bathroom trying his damnedest to get over the side of the tub to be in the bathtub. Of course, he had no foresite in the consequences of actually making it over that edge, but it was cute–and the tub was empty if I was not in there.

One of the days, i heard him yelling out of frustration while I was making dinner. I went over to him, and he was half way in the dog’s water dish expressing frustration that he could only get one leg fully in!