I need crab and I eat crayon

19 Aug 2020

Ah! I hate it when it’s 5pm, and i just realize that i haven’t blogged yet!

Today, was a decent day. I watched my dad’s final virtual clean coders class on comments. That was fun & a good review on comments.

Then i learned the bowling kata. I will do it again tomorrow. I really like the katas because they allow me to focus on getting better at the technique rather than becoming so focused on the algorithms. I like practicing the TDD, especially, because I have a really hard time not wandering from it as problems get more difficult. Practicing the katas, is helpful for practicing this as the point is the focus on the movements being performed and not so much figuring out the problem.

Then i worked on euler 12. Euler 12 is my least favorite yet! I’m getting lost on a river of log(rithms). By the end of today, my mind was mush enough that i was plugging random numbers into it to see if it would work. It didn’t…

I had wanted to take Keith to this nice restaurant where they serve wagyu steak for his birthday, but due to the covid scare last week, i decided to stay in. Instead, i got him a single wagyu steak from an online shop as well as a couple crab legs. Rex was already in bed when we were eating dinner, but all of a sudden I heard him yelling for us “I need crab! I need crab in my bed!” Somehow he knew, and there’s no doubt that of course he wanted in.

Leo at almost an entire green crayon yesterday. The amount that he didn’t eat was what he drew on to the tile floor… i knew he’d eaten it, because, well one, i saw him eating, and two, when i brushed his teeth, i could see it stuck to his teeth. Leo!