
28 Sep 2020

Ok. Relevant blog post. Relevant blog post. As I’ve sat down to write a relevant blog post, i suddenly realized that I do not know what relevant is in these terms, so this post will probably not be it. Honestly, i kind of feel like I’ve got a little bit of writer’s block tonight as is, so let’s talk about what I know.

I’ve been at this now for about 4 months give-or-take a week, with being full-time for two full months as of tomorrow minus the week of potential COVID quarantine and hurricane sheltering, so 6 weeks. I’m having a blast. This has been a lot of fun and really fulfilling.

In my iterations today, my ‘bross’ told me i was really in the thick of it and that my code was actually good. I was pretty pleased to get this feedback, as I’d just been thinking this past weekend that I need to ask him how I was doing relative to his past measuring sticks that included more than just me. So far, I feel like I’ve been doing pretty well, but at the same time, I realize that I have no gauge to really know how I’m doing. Because it’s all virtual and I am the only apprentice, there’s no calibration tool for me to use to measure how well I’m doing against other. Granted, it’s not a competition, but a little of that never hurt anyone, and in fact actually helps people to do better. My best times were always those where I was running next to an opponent—we pushed each other. So in reality, while I feel like i’m doing okay, I actually have no idea!

So this morning when Rex woke Leo up at 5AM, we put them in the living room and told Rex to watch Leo and to take care of him (obviously we didn’t leave them unsupervised, our room is right next to the living room). It was cute listening to Rex take care of Leo, and it seemed like he may have even been taking his responsibility seriously. I kept hearing him call to Leo “Leo! Leo come here! No Meo, don’t go over there. Come here into the pit.” (he calls our living room ‘the pit’ for a reason unbeknownst to me.

Did not follow the instructions of his big brother. We shall work on this in time.