93 Million Miles Away

17 Nov 2020

So today, I dove head first into writing this server. It hasn’t been going as well as I’d like. On that note though, it’s probably going as I’d expect it to go considering I’m doing it in java instead of clojure, and java is still a little foreign to me.

I started out by essentially rewriting what my mentor and I wrote a couple of weeks ago, but as I mentioned yesterday, even that is one of those things that I felt I understood pretty well as we were doing it together but now isn’t making the most sense.

I had a tough time remembering where to start—obviously with a test, but which one? I was able to get the server socket to connect to a port but was not able to get the socket to connect to the server socket. Toward the very end of the day, I realized it was because while the test had a socket, a writer, and a reader, the production code had not yet implemented a reader or writer, so it was getting stuck on the readLine.

I’ll start from there tomorrow and hopefully get the server up and running so that I can start focusing on writing the code that will implement all the tests—at least that’s what I think I’m supposed to do.

I guess that’s it for now. I think I’m going to try to go to bed extra early tonight, so that I can get up extra early tomorrow, but I’m so much better at staying up late and sleeping in. Sleeping in though is never really an option these days with the boys that rise with the sun, and unfortunately as soon as the the sun and both boys are down, I tend to get a second wind and never seem to want to go to sleep.

Rex made a calculated and mature decision tonight. We offered for him to take a bath tonight or a shower in the morning. He said “a movie”. We told him that wasn’t an option, repeated the true options, and reminded him that he is always so mad when he has to take a shower in the morning. He thought about it for a real minute, and then responded, “a bath”. I was very impressed with his consideration and told him that he could eat his poms and watch one movie (a short show) after his bath. He did just that and was a happy boy.

At the space museum in Houston, while we were in the store, we found the cutest little stuffed Sun. I showed it to Leo, and he got the biggest smile on his face. When i went to put it down, he screamed and cried. I’ve never actually seen him really love something like that before, so I decided to splurge (and yes, in a gift soft of a museum little toys are always a splurge) and get it for him. When I showed it to him again later, that same giant smile appeared on his face, and he was again the happiest little boy in the world. He got really attached to that thing and really quickly. It was very cute.

Speaking of the Sun, ask Rex how far away the Sun is. He will say “mmbumbumbee million miles away!” He’s almost got the 93 part down—soon.

We’ve also taught him the Mommy’s Phone Number song, which is to the tune of Frere Jacques and repeats the area code twice, the first three numbers twice, the last four twice, and finally “call my mom” twice, and Rex can now sing the entire thing!

Speaking of phone numbers, in the picture of Leo posted yesterday you may have noticed a tattoo on his arm. This was my genius husband’s idea. Whenever we are going into a potentially people dense environment (which don’t really exist right now with CoViD19), like the airport, a museum, a fair or festival, etc., we put one of these temporary tattoos on the boys. The tattoos include both our full names and our phone numbers, just in case. We’d tried wristbands with Rex when he was young, but he didn’t like them, would pull them off, and then they would get lost. These tattoos, while not permanent, are really good tattoos that stay on for like a week. It’s just a little piece of mind.