Dowah Say Uff Uff Uff

11 Jan 2021

Today was a day. The weekend was a lot. Lots of boxes and cleaning and prepping our home to be show ready for Thursday & Saturday. I know that when we bought this home back in 2015, the house had been on the market for 19 days, and it already had two offers—ours included. I’m hoping that we have similar luck.

I think it went so fast, because one, this is an awesome house with an amazing pool that I will miss terribly in a really nice neighborhood, but also, because this neighborhood is one of very few non-cookie cutter neighborhoods in the entire Baton Rouge area. Almost all new houses & subdivisions in BR are extremely cookie-cutter. We tried very hard to avoid that and watch this neighborhood for a couple months. We’d looked at one other house-just on the far side of our cul-de-sac actually, but that house wasn’t for us. This house, we knew, immediately—similarly, we knew immediately with the house we currently contracted for.

Anyway, yes, the weekend was full and busy packing and cleaning from morning to night. Today, Keith stayed home from work and we had some help come by to help us clean the details. So there were a lot of people in the house. In hindsight, i probably should have worked in the trailer today, but for whatever reason, I did not. Still, i got a good bit done.

I made a couple small improvements to my web app, then got MySQL working in ttt again—I’m still not sure what happened to it, because as soon as I loaded it up today, it all worked. I made one edit to ttt so that it would create database tables in case where one did not exist—I’ve had to create the tables a couple of times now, and I’m pretty sick of doing it.

Got everything in ttt passing and then everything plus some more in webttt—i had to write the actual code to pick up the previous game now since, i hadn’t written that yet. Everything was working, i was about to close up for the day, but wanted to run the thing first. When i did, i got a big fat exception that crumbled my app in front of my eyes. What?! All my tests pass, there are no compile issues, everything should be working.

I troubleshot that for about an hour, before I finally gave up to go pack a box. Perhaps, if i put my mind to something else for a little bit, all the answers would come. They did not.

So here I am left, with a fully passing application that will not run. I mean then tests run the thing, so why would those work and actually running fails? It doesn’t make sense…

I shall look at it again in the morning, and then most likely call upon the experts to help me solve this mystery.

Of all the things Rex will not eat (he only eats pizza, cookies, and nuggets), curry chicken turns out to be something that he likes—what’s not to like? It was one of my favorites as a child also.

Rex’s room is incredibly neat and clean right now. When we asked him if he liked it this evening, he said “no, i need it to be messy with all of my toys on the ground.” Twerp!

Leo loves Tails. When he sees her, he laughs, then he exclaims “Dow-ah!”, and then proceeds to bark “uff, uff, uff!” He also loves to feed her his food, but when she takes it and actually eats (or maybe it’s just when she eats all of it and forgets to share and that he still wanted a bite), he gets really angry and high-pitched yells at her and cries for me to get his snack back. Silly boy…. if you offer it to her, you can’t get mad at her when she accepts it.