A better day today. I had iteration this morning and, to my delight (and perhaps surprise), there were no bugs in my webttt demo. Yay!
Then i was given my next assignment—client side webttt using clojure script. I’m actually not allowed to re-write any of my ttt-game other than refactoring changes similar to the last assignment, but i do need to modify it and set it all up to have my webttt, start the server and then have ttt run from the client side. This is cool, and I’m excited for this. Perhaps after this, i can finally get it up on my blog site so that you all can play any time you want!
I spent the majority of the day just learning about clojure script and how to get it to function. I ended up choosing figwheel as my example to learn this, and successfully got my homepage loaded up on the figwheel server—getting it to load over my server will be my goal for tomorrow as well as getting through setup again. Although to be honest, getting through setup is the core of the work it seems, so perhaps that won’t be completed until next week.
It was a better day today though, and I’m excited for this next challenge.
Rex has surprised me every night this week. We started telling him what time bed time was—now that he’s 3, he’s allowed to stay up until 7:03 instead of 7:00. We sit and watch Bluey on Disney+ for a little bit and then after a couple of them and the last one with a last-one-warning, he gets up, says “mommy, come on, it’s time”, and begins to walk to the bathroom for teeth. Then he gets into bed. I read him a book, and well from there it’s kind of hit or miss, but still he’s been going to bed with no fuss and instead, leads the way. It’s been similar with school in the morning ever since i explained to him that him going to school and learning as much as he can is the best way for him to help me & daddy make coins to buy him tv. He’s a very mature little boy.
It was bath day today, and Leo practiced putting his entire face in the water over and over. Every time he did, we would come up with a giant smile just laughing and laughing. Then Rex did it and got bubbles all over his face, and Leo lost it with laughter to the point where he was silently laughing and couldn’t catch his breath. His big smile is so cute with his little dimple, his little grill of just eight front teeth, and his puffy, chubby little cheeks.
Oh but this little twirp this morning! He found the little olive oil canister with the pour nozzle on it in the pantry. He picked it up brought it out, then looks at me and says “uh-ohhhh” and it’s spilling all over the floor! Argh! Dogs make good floor cleaners…