Easy Laughability

22 Mar 2021

Right now, I am at my little brother’s house in Austin to meet my newest little niece and to help them about a little bit with the new-born routines and lack-of-sleep. She’s a sweet little thing and, similarly to her cousins, she’s a very happy little baby! Always smiling, and it’s easy to make her laugh.

Easy-laughability is a great characteristic for a baby to have, because a baby’s laughter is a high reward to an adult. Because it is a reward, it causes the adult to repeatedly work to earn an additional laugh, and thus baby gets to laugh a lot–and so does the adult (me).

Today, I worked on confetti more. I fixed that one glitch where all the sparkles hung at the top of the screen for a second before falling as if gravity had taken a momentary break from doing its job. Then i got the confetti to shoot out of one place before dispersing across the screen instead of shooting out in an already defined arc.

Once this was mostly to my satisfaction, I showed it to Micah. There were still a couple fixes–like terminal velocity and cleaning up some constants and functions, but for the most part, he seemed happy with the progress.

I haven’t forgotten about finishing my covid blog, but unfortunately, it might need to wait until next week.

I miss him…

I miss him too…