Leo's Adventure

30 Mar 2021

My brain is dead.

I worked with Micah this morning, and he got me moving on the trello integration again. He found a problem that turned out to actually not be the problem, but which still led me to solve the auth problem. And just like that I could make a request through my plugin within trello. Yay!

But… The token remains on the js public side and I can’t seem to get it over to the poker side. Oh wait! I just got another idea!

Ok, well while intelliJ thinks about letting me type, i’ll continue here… Except I don’t really have any more to say. This is another one of those situations where I’m staring at my keys locked in my car or staring at the airplane pulling away that I need to board or watching my exit go by as I drive past it. I have all the information I need, and it’s all within reach with a barrier preventing me from grasping it.

Rex has a surprise coming tomorrow! Gramma & Bobby (his best friend) are coming to town. He kind of knows, but i’ve stopped telling him. He is going to be so excited!

This kid! This amazing, so-smart-that-he’s-dumb kid never ceases to amaze me.

Last night, I suddenly awoke to loud cries. They were no doubt Leo.

I jumped up out of bed, kicked Keith in the process, which woke him and got me scolded for kicking him–it was pretty hard, i felt kind of bad, but my baby was crying. I needed to save him.

I glanced at the clock: 2AM. Why didn’t he just come into our room? Then I noticed that our door was closed, and he can’t open doors yet.

As I opened it, surprised to not find him behind it, I heard Keith exclaim, “Is he outside?!”

Keith opened our back bedroom door, and Leo’s cries immediately got louder. I turned around and ran to the door to scoop him up and ask him “WTF, Leo?!”

Per our motion detectors, this kid was walking in the hallway roughly 15 minutes earlier.

Now I’d like to assume that he came to our door first, but I also saw Cheddar outside, and this kid loves him Cheddar. I don’t know if he tried to come to our door first and couldn’t reach it and we didn’t hear him or if he got enticed by Cheddar to follow him.

Either way, instead of making a fuss (or a bigger fuss) at our bedroom door, this kid decided to trek through our long dark living room, into our kitchen, over to the garage door, which just so happens to have a dog door that he loves to go through–I never once thought that at 18 months, he’d be brave enough to try it at night with no one around–went through that dog door, then continue his long journey through our {fully enclosed} backyard over to our back bedroom door to cry for us to let him in! WTF Leo?! He scared the heck out of me!

Then he laid in our bed babbling about his adventures for the next twenty minutes or so: “bawl!! “Babloo” “Dowuh!”

So yes, our 18 month old snuck out at 2AM last night–I’m starting to get worried about what he’s going to be like when he’s 18 years old…