Nope nope nope. I spent the day trying to get this hook to work, and the frustrating part is that i am hooked! I sent the post with no errors, and I get the initial response back.
I’d originally tried to do this through an ajax route, btu my handler kept returning nil even when i forced it, so then i went back to the web-route. Now I was getting the correct requests back, but only the original.
The API guide & reference all says that once hooked, Trello will automatically send POST requests whenever something relative to the idModel changes. I was using the list id, but then i thought i’d change to the board just to have some more breadth to play with.
I changed this. I added cards. I deleted cards. I added lists. I changed lists & cards. No requests were coming through. Perhaps it has to do with anti-forgery or tokens & security, but the websocket should still see the request come through.
I’m missing something. I will figure out what that is tomorrow. For now, I think I’m off to bed.