
17 May 2021

HODL! HODL! HODL your breath & HODL! Ah! I feel like i’m bleeding dollars in crypto right now, and everything just keeps going down. Ironically, every time it’s up, i’m begging it to go down so I can buy more, and then every time it’s down I freak out a little bit. I don’t know–this is pretty far down, and i made a really bad move on eth the other day. I went against my judgment and watched the hours or the half days instead of the days, and I am, very literally, paying the price for going against my own rules right now. Blah. noob.

This wouldn’t be a big deal, except that I don’t really have permission to put much more in if any… and, it’s not fun when suddenly nearly almost all my bitcoin is in the red.

Oh well. HODL!

Today was frustrating. So i was never stuck on anything perse, but progress was very slow. I have the post requests coming in from trello, and i have a bunch of tests written & passing. But something screwy is going on a little bit. The information is getting to the server–it prints it out so nicely in the console, but, it’s not saving it right or something (i have passing tests for that!). But it is doing it right, because, i can see the rooms in trello, so….

I don’t know. The other frustrating thing is that this whole time, i’ve been adamant that this step needs to be next, because this is when i need to save the token, so that’s what I’ve been working on, but…for everything i need to do this week, because it’s on the poker side without necessarily a poker-interface, i don’t actually need the token. I can just have trello post all the stories to poker, but then I guess i do need this post function to work–which it does, it’s just a little funny.

Blah. HODL!

Rex: On Friday, Rex was freaking out about me changing his shirt, because he wanted to wear his paw patrol shirt, but he’d worn it yesterday–i couldn’t let him wear it two days in a row! So i told him, if he let me change him, i’d get him a Blaze shirt.

This was a mistake. He agreed to let me change him, but then cried for a Blaze shirt. Then my forgetfulness, allowed me to forget to order him a Blaze shirt. Saturday when he ran an errand with me, which i told him it was going to be a boring car ride, he screamed and cried the whole time “I want a Bway-ze shirt!” over and over and over….

Then when we finally got home, the melody continued for the rest of the day.

Finally, last night, the Blaze shirt came. He was so excited! Until…he saw that Leo got one that was slightly different… Then he didn’t want his…

Leo: Leo, on the other hand, was sooooo excited to wear a Blaze shirt! He loves Blaze too! He got his shirt on, pointed at it and said “Bways!”

This kid is picking up on words more & more everyday. I swear, if you ever need to quickly teach someone what an exponential rate is, give them a 1.5 year old child to talk to and tell the on-looker to pay attention to how quickly the kid learns a new word that he couldn’t even say ten seconds ago.